Why Do Owls Hoot?

Owls hoot for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include territorial issues, mating, and defensive protection. This hoot is designed to pass information to other owls. Owls are naturally nocturnals so you can only listen to their hoot in the nighttime. Apart from hooting, an owl also makes other sounds. These sounds may …

How Long Do Pigeons Live 

Pigeons can live for five to ten years. However, regular breeds of pigeons do live for 5 to 6 years. There is a breed of pigeons that are unique. This breed of bird is called the Feral Bird. Feral birds can live for about thirty years. This write-up is designed to discuss all about pigeons. …

Peanuts For Birds

Birds Eat Peanuts

Peanuts are one of the birds’ favorite foods. Most small birds eat peanuts with their shells. While others are interested in just the nuts. Peanuts are a good source of carbohydrates for birds. Usually, they give birds the needed energy requirements daily. The amazing part about peanuts is that they do not get spoilt easily. …

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli?

Can rabbits eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a good source of nutrients for Rabbits. Rabbits of all sizes enjoy leafy vegetables such as broccoli. Broccoli when carefully washed is not suitable for rabbits. Before feeding your rabbits broccoli, there are some things to keep in mind. One of these is that you need to feed your rabbit in moderation. Also, …

Are Rabbits Rodents?

Are Rabbits Rodents?

Rabbits are not rodents. Rabbits differ from rodents because, unlike rodents, rabbits have an extra pair of incisors. Rodents are known for their single pair of incisors on each jaw. Sometimes, the Patagonian cavies are often confused with rabbits. This is because of their similarities in ear length, fur structure, and the speed of their …

Can Rabbits Eat Blackberries?

Can rabbits eat blackberries?

  Rabbits can eat blackberries as treats. Blackberries contain a good amount of fibre and this is beneficial for your rabbit pet. However, they should be given to your bunny in moderation. This is because rabbits generate vitamin C, so regular consumption may abnormally increase the amount of vitamin C in your rabbit system. In …

Bird Feeders For Small Birds

The bird feeder for small birds is the Yellow Flinch Feeder. These are the best feeders because of holding thistle. Thistles are one bird’s favorite food. So, when you purchase the Yellow Flinch Feeder it tends to have a way of attracting small birds. Apart from the Yellow Flinch Feeder, there are also other bird …